Kitchen Before (minus wall)
Kitchen After (minus backsplash)

Basement (right) Before (in demo)
Basement (right) After

Basement (left) Before (in demo)
Basement (left) After

Basement Bathroom Before (in demo)
Basement Bathroom After (minus shower door)
House Renovation
In 2016 my husband and I bought our house. We almost immediately tore out a wall and proceeded to remodel the kitchen. We learned a ton about electrical, cabinets, drywall, texturing walls, laying tile, installing range hoods, and a little plumbing.
In 2019 we decided to remodel the basement living space and bathroom. Once again there were many lessons learned including constructing built-ins, laying vinyl flooring, leveling cement, making a poured-pan shower pan, laying large vertical tile, a little plumbing once again, and of course tons of finish work in with wood, sheetrock mud, paint, and silicone!

Completed! With backsplash!

Pre reno - there was a wall and behind it was the kitchen...

Partially remodeled

Completed! With backsplash!