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Sculptural lanterns created in the Nebuta-style of lantern making. Programmable lights allow the lanterns to each be dynamically responsive to live sensor data.

The lanterns can act as a model for a system under investigation, such as a garden, as explored in the Luminous Science project. Or the lanterns can be a curiosity, peaking interest, or a statement on the state of a system. The interplay between paint and lighting allows an extended meaning and playfulness.

Garden Spirit, 9'x3'x3', 2016-17

Plant Study, Series of 3, 2'x3'x3', 2017

Sample Lantern, 1'x1'x1', 2017

Luminous Yeast, Series of 8, 1'x6"x6", 2018


© 2022 by Lila Finch

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